Nest 101 Identified

posted: July 31, 2019, 10:11 AM

Yes, 101 turtle nests have now been found on Holden Beach this year! The nesting pattern has definitely slowed but we continue to find a rare wild nest and several false crawls have been converted to nests. A wild nest is one in which the Patrol has no idea of its existence until hatchlings are seen or, as has happened a few times this year, a fox digs into the nest. A false crawl is when the Patrol sees the mother's flipper tracks and body pit but cannot find the eggs. Sometimes the mother turtles are simply very good at laying and disguising their nests.

Many thanks to the vacationers and residents who have notified the Patrol about various happenings on the beach inlcuding sightings of hatchlings, nest disruptions by the foxes and water overwashing nests.

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