Hurricane Irene Update August 27, 2011

posted: August 27, 2011, 9:50 AM

People have been asking about the turtles on the beach and the storm. Unfortunately there is not much we can do during the storm to prevent water getting into the nests and/or large waves and winds washing them away. We can hope. The turtle patrol is off the beach Friday and Saturday. The bridge to Holden Beach closes when wind speeds exceed 45 miles per hour and was closed Friday night at 6 pm.

All active nests have been closed out and the equipment removed from the beach. Nest #20 boiled on Tuesday night (August 23) with 67 hatchlings. Nest #23 was closed out Thursday with 81 hatchlings released. Click on the photo to make it larger.

We currently do not have any active nests, there are 7 left to hatch, but aren’t due until late next week or later in the month.

When we can get back on the beach we’ll post an update on the status of these remaining nests.

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