FIRST NEST of 2012!

posted: May 13, 2012, 9:26 AM

Welcome to the 2012 Turtle season! Saturday (May 12) marked the arrival the first nesting mother turtle on Holden Beach. The early morning Turtle Patrol ATV riders had a double treat with the first nest and being able to see the mom leaving the nest, rare to catch a turtle still on the beach at full daylight. The nest crew moved 132 eggs.

The season for the state actually started over a week ago with the first nest in the state being laid at Caswell Beach. While there
have been a lot of sightings of turtles in the water there haven’t been many nests laid. As of today there are less than a dozen nests statewide. This is about the normal start time for our season. Yes a little early but not that much.

We can expect this nest to hatch in 50-60 days!

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