Thank you Lou Ann

posted: August 11, 2013, 5:45 PM

A special thank you to Lou Ann Keisler of Supply, NC for the beautiful pieced turtle wall hanging. She presented it to turtle patrol members on the beach last week. We can't decide which side we like best. Thank you for your support, we'll make good use of your work, to make our displays and exhibits more exciting.

Speaking of exciting..there are at least 7 "active" nests on the beach right now with lots of babies heading into the ocean. This has been a record year for turtle nests on our beach and all across North Carolina.

And the mommas are still nesting. We had a team on the beach yesterday morning looking for eggs! It's getting late in the season for new nests...but the mommas keep on coming!

See you on the beach and thank you again Lou Ann for thinking of us!

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