Nest 7 closed but season isn't over..yet.

posted: August 18, 2014, 5:41 PM

According to our ever efficient and "super duper" morning scheduler, Maggie, turtle nest #7 closed out on Saturday night. Nest #8 is active and should have babies sometime this week. Nests 9, 10 and 11 will be "collared" tomorrow (August 19) and they should hatch within the next 12 days. So far we have sent 554 hatchlings to the ocean. We've only had 11 False Crawls this year--the last one was 5 days ago. Our last nest was laid on 8/9---usually if we go two weeks without a new nest we say the laying season is over.....two weeks will be this Saturday. But, this year, since we have had so few nests, we may wait until two weeks after the last crawl to make that determination. Stayed tuned for updates. Still 2 more Turtle Talks--Wednesdays August 20 and 27.

These photos were taken on August 19 of the collaring of nest #10.

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