Have a Turtle Safe 4th of July
posted: July 4, 2015, 2:21 PM
It has been a busy holiday week for the sea turtles and the turtle patrol on Holden Beach.
Saturday July 4 Nest #30 laid in the ICW inlet and 122 egg move and 3 false crawls. The rider reported a very windswept beach.
Friday July 3 Nest #29 did not need to be moved. Rider Nan found this one! Nest #13 was overwashed by tide in the night, hopefully this will not affect the eggs.
Thursday July 2 Nest #28 with 139 egg move along with 3 false crawls.
Wednesday July 1 the ATV rider did not spot any new crawls or nests, but a nice crowd at Children's Turtle Time and Turtle Talk in the evening.
Tuesday June 30--Skip the morning ATV rider found 4 false crawls.
Monday June 29 Nest number 26 with 110 eggs moved and Nest # 27 with 100 eggs moved.
Please remember that fireworks and bright lights such as sparklers on the beach can frighten the mother turtles causing them to turn around and not lay her eggs. Wonder if we'll have any nests tomorrow morning.
Happy 4th of July from the Holden Beach Turtle Patrol
Photo courtesy of Patrice Hawkins Sigmon (Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center)
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