Winding Down for the Season!

posted: September 9, 2015, 11:52 AM

We have had a busy season with 53 nests, but it’s starting to wind down now. We have 12 nests left, and they are still going fast which has been good for everyone.

The average first emergence on the beach this year has been 54 days compared to 62 days last year. Eighteen of the nests so far have gone when the teams weren’t there, and many teams never got to see any hatchlings. We have had 4030 hatchlings so far and most of them have made it to the water. Through the first 40 nests, there has been an 87% hatch rate which is a little above the natural hatch rate.

Nest # 44 was collared last night. This nest has been washed over by high tides several times this year. See the photos of all the shells and sand that had collected on the grate. We're hopeful that this nest will still hatch. Too much salt/sea water in a nest may damage the eggs. Luckily the water drained quickly and the eggs did not sit in water for long.

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