Special Donation

posted: June 18, 2016, 6:38 AM

The Holden Beach Turtle Patrol has only two ways of raising money....our annual T-shirt sales and donations. We recently got a special donation in the mail from Sam Ernest. There's a wonderful story behind this donation.

Sam is a seventh grader in Charlotte, NC. For a Social Studies assignment he had to choose a subject and plan and complete a project. Sam chose Sea Turtles and decided he would hold a fundraiser to raise money to help sea turtles.

An opportunity presented itself when a neighbor was holding a huge tag sale and auction, complete with auctioneer. Sam solicited permission from the neighbor to set up a "stand" to sell donuts, coffee and other treats. In addition, he held a raffle for a painting of a sea turtle his grandmother had painted while she lived for many years on Oak Island.

One of the major advantages of project work is that it makes school work more like real life, investigating real life topics worthy of children's attention. Sam's project was spot on with that theory. He raised and donated $75.00 to HBTWP and made a grade of 100%. At the end of the day of his fundraiser, he approached the auctioneer and asked about the possibility of setting up his vending stand at future auction locations to raise more "sea turtle money".

Sam's story is evidence that HBTWP's mission to educate people and protect and make a difference for sea turtles is working.

Thank you Sam!

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