The Turtle Season has started!
posted: May 1, 2018, 12:35 PM
It’s official....the turtle season has started on Holden Beach!
Please remember to turn ocean facing lights out from May 1 through October. Momma turtles should start laying their eggs on our beach this month. Lights may scare and/or misdirect the momma turtles. You’ll be seeing our ATV riders out looking for tracks of the mother turtle each morning. Our first rider started this morning---no momma’s yet....but we’ll keep watching each day. Last year the first nest was laid on our beach on May 16. In 2016 it was May 26th and in both 2014 and 2015 the first nest was May 20---anyone want to make a guess for this year?
If you see a mother turtle on the beach please don’t shine a flashlight on her or take a flash photo. Please call the Holden Beach Turtle Patrol’s “turtle emergency” number 910-754-0766.
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