August 1, 2013--Closing of Nest #2
The first nest to hatch in 2013 was nest #2. it boiled on July 29 with 57 babies. Several other turtles hatched on Tuesday and Wednesday nights when no one was watching. The nest was "closed" 3 nights later on August 1 with a large crowd of vacationers cheering on Sparkles, Chubby and Rosie and their 30 siblings as they raced into the ocean. Vacationers, patrol trainees and patrol veterans were all thrilled to see the turtles!
Click on a thumbnail for a larger view of the photo.
Large crowd gatheres
Trainee digs down into nest
Resting before their long walk and swim
The turtles are coming, the turtles are coming.
Long trench to the ocean
Into the ocean
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